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Laravel Basic Crud in PHP

16/04/2019  .   0 minutes, 31 seconds to read  .   Posted by Admin
#php #learnphp #phpframework #phpcrud #crud #WebDevelopment #create #Update #Delete #read #fetchdata #select


In this short tutorial, we will go through the basics of the Laravel. Laravel is an MVC (Model, View, Controller) based framework widely used to enhance Web Development.

We will go through the following processes step by step to create complete basic crud in Laravel PHP.

  1. Composer and Project Installation in Laravel.
  2. MVC overview for Laravel.
  3. Create a Controller.
  4. Create a View.
  5. Create a Model.
  6. Routing in Laravel.


  1.  Xampp or Wamp Server Installed.
  2. Code Editor (VS Code).
  3. Laravel Composer and Project Installation (Manually or with Command Prompt).
  4. Documentation for Commands to handle the Project. For this read the Laravel documentation here.